Legio goes Kuhasalo
*In English below*
Hauskoja hetkiä, metsäretkiä. Tule mukaan legiolaisten retkelle Kuhasaloon! Kuhasalon kalamaja on varattu legiolaisille klo 14-17 ja ilmoittautuneille on tarjolla makkaraa ja mehua. Anna Kuhasalon kauneuden yllättää ja muista ottaa kaverikin mukaan!
Ilmoittautuminen: https://forms.office.com/r/L9ibU8FEMT
MITÄ? Luontoretki Kuhasaloon
MISSÄ? Kuhasalossa
MILLOIN? 17.9. klo 14-17
MIKSI? Nautitaan luonnosta ja raikkaasta ilmasta!
MISSÄ? Kuhasalossa
MILLOIN? 17.9. klo 14-17
MIKSI? Nautitaan luonnosta ja raikkaasta ilmasta!
In English
This is Legio’s hiking trip to Kuhasalo! We have reserved a fishing hut for Legio from 14-17 and sausage and juice is available for enrolled guests. Let the beauty of Kuhasalo surprise and be sure to take your friend with you!
This is Legio’s hiking trip to Kuhasalo! We have reserved a fishing hut for Legio from 14-17 and sausage and juice is available for enrolled guests. Let the beauty of Kuhasalo surprise and be sure to take your friend with you!
Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/L9ibU8FEMT
WHAT? Nature trip to Kusasalo
WHERE? Kahasalo
WHEN? 17 September at 14-5 p.m.
WHY? Let’s enjoy nature and fresh air
WHERE? Kahasalo
WHEN? 17 September at 14-5 p.m.
WHY? Let’s enjoy nature and fresh air