
Legio Ostiensis ry or Legio is the University of Eastern Finland's Law School's student association for those studying specialized fields of legal expertise.

A student association brings together the students studying the same branch of science: it deals with student advocacy and offers many different kinds of activities to balance out your studies, such as events and sports.

To become a member you must study to become a Bachelor of Administrative Sciences and/or Master of Administrative Sciences (B.Sc./ M.Sc. or HTK/HTM) or study in an international Master's Programme.

Legio was established in the September of 1997, when the Public Law studies became a major in UEF. The UEF Law School was established in the August of 1998, originally named the Faculty of Public Law from 1998 to the beginning of 2002.

Legio is an active and lively student association. In the core of our operation is to provide fun and benefits to our members. We organize a plethora of different kind of factual programmes and free time events.

The Degrees B.Sc./M.Sc. or HTK/HTM


This social sciences education leads you to the Bachelor of Administration and the Master of Administration degrees. The degrees are oriented through majors to those areas of expertise that are currently in demand on the job market, namely specialized legal expertsThe degrees are based on a major, which means that students deepen their chosen field of law more widely than traditional law degrees. In addition to the major, everyone also chooses a minor, either from the legal field or from other university offerings.



Our majors include administrative lawcivil lawcriminal and procedural law, welfare law, environmental lawEuropean lawlegislative studies, and financial law. The degree to which the studies lead to is the Master of Administration, which is a graduate degree. The M.Sc. prepares you for the legal management- and legal expert roles for either the public or the private sectors.



The Joint Nordic Master Programme in Environmental Law (NOMPEL) gives you a competitive degree in environmental law. The programme provides knowledge in environmental law at three levels: internationally, within the EU and in Nordic countries. The Masters is the result of a cooperation between three leading Nordic universities: the University of Uppsala University (Uppsala, Sweden), the University of Eastern Finland (Joensuu, Finland) and the Arctic University of Norway (Tromsø, Norway). Students will spend a semester in each institution.

Environmental Policy and Law


The Master's Degree Program in Environmental Policy and Law is an English-language 2-year master's program that is divided into two main subjects: Environmental Policy and Natural Resources Governance and Environmental and Climate Change Law. The teaching and research of international law has a strong emphasis on international environmental issues, with a special emphasis on climate change. 

Legio's inspector

Honorary Members of Legio

Distinguished Members of Legio

2008 Mika Nissinen
2009 Maija Pitkänen
2010 Heidi Poikonen (née. Kahelin) 
2011 Heini Eskelinen, Anna Nousiainen
2012 Tommi Majanen
2013 Olli Silvennoinen
2014 Outi Slant
2016 Mari Kokko
2017 Elina Mäkinen
2018 Anni Kainulainen
2019 Reetta Vainikainen
2020 Anna Hakkarainen, Heini Väyrynen
2021 Minna Sihvo
2022 Teemu Mäkelä, Susanna Hietala
2023 Valtteri Halonen, Roosa Ikimeri
2024 Niko Aronen, Laura Merisaari

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